Sunday, July 19, 2009

Homeland Security

I added an observation point at the stadium. The legend didn't make sense without it.

I chose to add the 3D because it looks so impressive. It was so easy to do, but the results have a great visual impact.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Crime Analysis

The biggest challange was getting all the info on the map and have it be legible. I can't help but notice that the patterns for all 3 crimes is pretty much the same.

Crime Analysis 1

I wasn't sure if I should remove the buffers but decided to leave them in to show the areas not within the critical distances of the stations.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Location, Location, Location!

The parameters for the two weighted overlays differ in the percentage of weight applied to four criteria.
1. Distance from Phoenix College
2. Distance from Chandler regional Hospital
3. Percentage of residents between age 40 and 49
4. Median house value
Weight 1 is created using a 25% weight for each item in the list. Weight 2 is shifted to emphasize the distance over age and house value. Distance is weighted at 40% the demographics are given a weight of 10%.
It was determined, from the results of the first overlay, that the location was not sensitive of the traffic congestion in the area. The second overlay was then weighted toward distance to off set the traffic impacts.
Conclusion: Both overlays contain areas in common, which would appear to be acceptable given the criteria established in the study. However, these areas were not acceptable due to other outside influences not recognized in the study. Other data must be made available to refine the location search to an area that is acceptable to the client. Travel distance times, hours of peak traffic, and mass transit options should be added to the criteria. The client has expressed concerns about traffic congestion that is not fully addressed by distance.

Monday, May 18, 2009

This is what I do

I thought I'd throw this in here so it isn't empty. One of my tasks at work is keeping the Future Land Use map up to date.